Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Linkedin? More like Suckered in.

Is anyone else out there just so over the whole Linkedin model? I have come to the conclusion that it is chock full of business people who are too cheap to hire professional help and want advice (and sometimes actual work) for free.

Either that or freelancers who are constantly shilling for business, help with getting the word out about their new ventures or asking for help in areas they actually want to be paid as a professional for. (Free advice: if you are a freelance writer, posting on Linkedin with run-on sentences, typos and generally crappy grammer is NOT going to get you clients. Yes, I see this all the time.)

If you are launching a new website, are you asking people to read your press releases and give you professional advice on the content and the distribution? You aren't ready to launch a new website, cheapass. Pay for some solid PR and marketing help first.

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