Thursday, February 12, 2009

Proven Right...Was it Worth It?

You all know people like this at work -- they insist on getting the last word in because it's so important for them to be RIGHT.

I have actually been in meetings where my colleagues have thrown their own clients under the bus because to keep quiet meant they wouldn't get that last RIGHT word in.

I also have sat through really painful year-end evaluations (one of them was over 3 hours long) because every bit of constructive criticism I offered up had to be countered with a lengthy diatribe of why I was wrong...they DID do that, or that WAS accomplished. Don't people realize that just reinforces my opinion that you are an arrogant, inflexible tool...and I automatically make the assumption that you are that way with your clients, too?


Sometimes, it's best to just know in your heart you're right and let history tell the tale.

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