Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Anywhere but Detroit

The braintrust at the Detroit Metro Visitors and Convention Bureau is at it again. Remember, this is the same group of wackjobs who hired a outstate company (can't remember who) to design its new logo and tagline. Then adding insult to injury, they hired a firm out of San Francisco to do research on the city and how it's perceived. Now they've hired an agency out of St. Louis to drum up film making business in the Big D (yeah, it will be run out of Fleishman Hillard's Los Angeles office...like there aren't any companies here who have a presence in LA).

This is the same group that is trying to promote a Detroit. Make it Here. mentality. Yeah, right. Not like there aren't dozens, if not hundreds, of qualified companies who could do the job. I can just hear the typical, LA-based sales pitch..."yeah, dark, run down warehouse...you don't even need to hire extras to play the homeless folk and the crack whores...they LIVE there, man! Totally serious...broken windows, grafitti, sure, got all that. You need what? Perp walk in city hall...we got b-roll for that already...no need to shoot!"

No one based in LA will be promoting the DIA, the river walk, Indian Village, Belle Isle...well, you get the picture.

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